Situation Analysis
Limited sector funding in September continued to severely restrict the scale of the food assistance activities. WFP provided US$ 13.5 per person and introduced capping of assistance to ve members per household, ensuring that limited assistance reaches the maximum number of households and that highly and severely vulnerable households continue to be supported. In addition, from September onwards the assistance to cases beneting from individual safety net assistance was discontinued.
Having received further funds during October, WFP was able to once again increase its monthly food assistance amount to US$ 21.6 per person at a maximum of ve members per household.
During September-October, the food security sector provided food assistance to around 779,,000 individuals (note that these are September numbers): 625,500 Syrian refugees with e-card assistance and 41,000 Palestine refugees from Syria with cash for food assistance. Around 6,800 vulnerable individuals received food vouchers, 78,000 food parcels whilst 27,208 vulnerable Lebanese received food assistance through the NPTP.Sector partners continued the household assessment process to identify those most vulnerable to food insecurity. As of October, over 100,000 households have been assessed through the household targeting process, with a monthly average of 10,000. Following these household assessments, WFP has subsequently removed a total of 28,599 households (104,596 individuals) from assistance. Considering the extensive information now collected on Syrian refugee households, food security partners are now in a solid position to develop a new mechanism to expedite the identication of the most vulnerable households. Following consultations with UNHCR and food security partners, WFP has contracted the American University of Beirut to develop a targeting formula, which will be used to classify households within vulnerability categories without having to conduct a household visit. The results of this process are expected by December 2015. The rollout of the new formula would also include operational components including a referral process.
During September and October, sector line ministries, lead agencies and LCRP sector partners have been engaged in the planning process for LCRP 2016.