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Lebanon: Food Security Sector - Monthly Dashboard, Inter-Agency Coordination Lebanon (Nov-Dec 2015)

Source: World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, Food Security Cluster
Country: Lebanon, occupied Palestinian territory, Syrian Arab Republic


Thanks to further funds received during the month of October, WFP was able to raise the food assistance amount to US$ 21.6 per person at a maximum of ve members per household in November and December.

During the reporting period, the food security sector provided food assistance to around 699,000 individuals (November numbers): 596,400 Syrian refugees with e-card assistance and 40,600 Palestine refugees from Syria with cash through ATM cards whilst 5,600 vulnerable individuals received food vouchers and 29,400 individuals were assisted with food parcels and hot meals. Some 27,208 vulnerable Lebanese received food vouchers through the National Poverty Targeting Programme.
Sector partners continued the household assessment process to identify those most vulnerable to food insecurity. As of December, over 90,000 households have been assessed through the household targeting process. The process for the development of the formula continued over November and December. The preliminary results of the desk formula were presented to WFP, UNHCR, the co-chairs of the Basic Assistance Working Group, the Food Sectors Working Group, the Lebanese Cash Consortium as well as to the Targeting Sub Working Group. These meetings allowed time for AUB to present the ndings and receive the feedback, comments and questions of both cash and food assistance actors. The desk formula is expected to be available for WFP testing by end December, and operationalized starting in early 2016.

During November and December, sector line ministries, lead agencies and LCRP sector partners extensively worked on the preparation and nalization of the sector strategy for the LCRP 2016 which was ocially launched on 17th December 2015. The strategy and key objectives build on the four pillars of food security: food availability (including in kind food assistance), access (including cash based transfers for food), utilization and stabilization (including NPTP capacity building) and serves to solidify / strengthen the integrated nature of direct food assistance and non-food activities. The overall amount appealed under the sector for 2016 stands at USD 473,506,847, with 30 appealing partners.

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