In brief
HPC 2017
Within the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) 2017 process, FSS partners carried out an overall revision of the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), initially at the working group (WGs) level in both West Bank and Gaza Strip, then through the work of the general meetings. Three WGs meetings were held in Gaza and two in Ramallah for this purpose. Thereafter, two area‐specific HPC workshops took place, in both localities. These workshops were conducted with the participation of different FSS partners, line ministries, UN agencies, local and international NGOs, and were largely attended (~40 presence each). As a result of these meetings and workshops, FSS partners developed a response framework, by identifying major humanitarian needs and elaborating the priorities of interventions in the coming round of the HPC. This informed FSS partners in defining their project proposals.
Having detailed projects’ information is crucial for providing proper and comprehensive vision of the response plan. In this regard, the FSS developed a dedicated project matrix format, asking all partners to provide data at governorate level, and against the FSS set of indicators. This aims at facilitating coordination amongst FSS partners on the ground, avoid overlapping and duplications of projects, in either the type of intervention or the targeted governorates and localities. Finally, all data from these matrixes will be the basis for further elaboration and monitoring of activities related to the implementation of FSS projects throughout 2017.
The endorsement of the projects to be included into the HRP required the constitution of a vetting panel, with representative line ministries, UN lead agencies, and representatives from PNGO, AIDA, OCHA, and the FSS gender focal points. The FSS HNO and HRP 2017 documents have been finalized during the last quarter, through a participatory process.
A new approach has been introduced for the submission of project proposal from FSS partners. The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) recognised that due to the protracted nature of the humanitarian situation/crisis in Palestine, no significant changes were appreciated compared with the previous year. It was therefore decided by the HCT to proceed with a re‐ validation and update process of the needs overview and the country objectives. Within this approach, FSS partners had the opportunities to re‐validate and update projects that have been vetted during the 2016 cycle and were still eligible for submission for the new HPC. These projects could benefit from a fast‐track process of vetting. The opportunity to submit new project proposals remained available too. 79 projects were submitted by 44 organizations (46 for Gaza Strip only, 30 for West Bank only and 3 for West Bank and Gaza Strip jointly)